Frequently Asked Questions

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Dried mealworms and dried BSF (Black Soldier Fly) larvae are nutritious insect-based treats for pets. They are rich in essential nutrients and protein, making them a valuable addition to your pet’s diet.

A wide range of pets can benefit from dried mealworms and dried BSF larvae, including chickens, birds, hamsters, fish, turtles, ducks, hedgehogs, geckos, and reptiles. These treats are versatile and suitable for various animals.

These treats provide high-quality protein, essential for growth and overall health. They are also high in calcium, promoting strong bones and improved eggshell production in birds and reptiles. Additionally, they can enhance feather health, boost the immune system, and support egg production in chickens and other egg-laying animals.

Yes, our dried mealworms and dried BSF larvae are carefully sourced and processed to ensure they meet the highest quality standards. They are non-GMO and free from additives and preservatives, making them a safe and natural choice for your pets.

You can offer dried mealworms and dried BSF larvae as occasional treats or as part of your pet’s regular diet. The recommended serving size may vary depending on your pet’s species and size, so be sure to follow our feeding guidelines.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at, and we’ll be happy to assist you.